Monday 6 April 2009

If the cap fits!

I started this blog because like many others if you actually could be bothered to reply to someone with a point of view which was not their own, you got shouted down or was accused of being a Friend of Freer.

Now I am not a Friend of Freer (as much as people like to accuse me of), I am just someone who poses an interest in the Borough that I live in, work in and grew up in. Whenever I posted a comment automatically a response would appear from 'them' to disagree and cast their accusations my way. I am all for people having their own point of view, I respect theirs and if something is written publically like a blog, they should respect mine. We don't all have to agree with one another and no one is more right than anyone else, unless you are a stifler as I have come to call them.

As soon as someone prints something the stiflers disagree with they are all up in arms like in the local newspapers printing letters from those who are not left leaning it is suddenly a disgrace. However, week on week there are letters from those people in support of the left calling Conservative Councillors, MPs and other representatives all the names under the sun and that is alright. Why is it wrong for the ordinary folk of Barnet to express their viewpoint in their local newspaper? Why do they suddenly have to have the label "Tory" just because their view is different to those who seek to stifle debate? Because by screaming and shouting and casting their accusations they hope that people like you and I will disappear under a stone and remain silent after their bullying tactic so they can continue with their obsession, which as far as I can see is settled around two people - Mike Freer (The Leader of Barnet Council) and Brian Coleman (Councillor in Barnet and the GLA Member).

Well I will not disappear and I will continue to have my viewpoint, they can label me with whatever term they like, to be quite frank I think it is clearly a case of "Methinks the lady doth protest too much" and if I was Mike Freer I would worry about the obsession turning into a scene from the film "single white female"...

Thursday 2 April 2009

Obsessed, fixated and infactuated!

Have you ever read something and thought it to be rather over the top? I have just recently and thought it was rather strange of a grown man (well he says he is a grown man but who really knows who is sitting typing at the keyboard writing things like he did about other grown men in an almost obsessed, fixated and almost infactuated manner -so much so that it reminded of my childhood.

I remember when I was a child and like other children my age and even children today, we had our little fixations on current fashion, the Band of the Week or whatever it might have been. I remember a friend of mine being seriously obsessed with Kelly LeBrock from Weird Science to a point where his room from floor to ceiling was covered in posters, pictures, clipping and at the height of his obsession articles from newspapers and magazines. He would write to her on a weekly basis for an autograph, when it didn't arrive, he would write and write again in an attempt to pursue his one dream. Thankfully he got over her and is now happily married with the old 2.4 children.

Funny how reading some of those blogs remind you of certain things isn't it?

Wednesday 1 April 2009

Well Well Well Look Who We Have Here Then!

This is an occasional blog, which I have decided to set up, to have my say!

Over the months, I have watched with interest the Bloggers of Barnet, whom I have to say are pretty negative blighters who seem obsessed with certain individuals, mainly elected members of Barnet Council. At first I found it highly amusing that little events could create and pose such frantic typing from a few people, this quickly turned into hysterics with cries of belittlement and name calling - albeit all rather pathetic.

So having found boredom of expressing my views by way of commenting on those blogs who seek to argue that black is white to undermine and stifle debate to its entirety, I will comment here as and when I want to, having my view, my say and maybe even a little fun on the way!

So hello, welcome and let the fun begin!